Mairs animations

Mairs animations are Sass mixins that generate Vue animations. More animations are to be added later.

example: @include m-animation-fade($name, $x: 0, $y: 0, $duration: 0.2s, $timing: ease)

m-animation-fade($name, $x, $y, $duration, $timing)

fades the element into the page

$namefalsethe vue animation name
$xtruethe movement on x
$ytruethe movement on y
$durationtrueto change the animation duration
$timingtrueto change the animation timing function

m-animation-slide($name, $x, $y, $duration, $timing)

slides the element into the page

$namefalsethe vue animation name
$xtruethe movement on x
$ytruethe movement on y
$durationtrueto change the animation duration
$timingtrueto change the animation timing function

Usage example

  <transition name="myAnimation">
    <div v-if="div_shown"></div>
<style lang="scss">
@include m-animation-fade("myAnimation", 0, 0, 0.4s, ease-out);