MText (.MTEXT)
A Vue custom textarea with validation, tags support and characters counter
Name | type | optional | description |
v-model | - | false | to bind the input to a variable |
id | string | false | required for validating when using with MForm |
pattern | RegEx | true | use it to validate the user input with a specific pattern (indicates that this input is required) |
invalidMessage | string | true | write a message for invalid input |
validMessage | string | true | write a message for valid input |
autoDirection | boolean | true | adjusts the direction to rtl when writing in Arabic |
type | string | true | text, password, date, number, email |
bordered | boolean | true | to get the bordered looking input |
label | string | true | to add a label to your input |
transformer | (string) => string | true | to perform some transforming function on the text |
maxLength | number | true | to add a maxlength and a counter |
tags | boolean | true | transforms the value of the textarea to a tags array |
includedHtml | string | true | to filter the value from html tags except for the provided tags array |
The isValid() method returns a boolean value to tell if the curent input is valid according the pattern attribute.
placeholder="user tags"
invalidMessage="Valid tag should be 3 or more english small letters"
validMessage="Good to go"
label="user tags"