MPoppup (.MPOPPOP)
A custom modal that asks the user to make a desicion.
Name | type | optional | description |
blurred | boolean | true | to give the poppup a blurry background |
required | boolean | true | to disallow exiting without pressing any button |
mobile | boolean | true | to show mobile styled poppup on screens smaller than 768px |
give your MPoppup a ref to call its mehods:
<MPoppp ref="pop" />
Use the show method to display a poppup. the show method takes an object parameter with the properties : title, message, confirm, cancel (All are optional) which creates a simple layout poppup. The show method returns a promise with user's decision.
async showPop() {
let response = await this.${
title: "I love Mairs",
message: "do you like it too ?",
confirm: "I like it",
cancel: "I don't like it"
However you can still create the poppup you like and call the show method to display it only. Use the respond() method to identify the user response.
<MPoppup ref="pop">
<input type="text"/>
<input type="password"/>
<MButton @click="$refs.pop.respond(true)">Login</MButton>
<MButton @click="$refs.pop.respond(false)">Cancel</MButton>
<MButton @click="$">Click to Login</Mbutton>